· Make the call you have always been shirking.
· Walk up earlier than you usually do and give time to yourself.
Try to be the change you want to see in other.
Care more and share more than what you expect.
Keep striking and extend your limits, you never know how close is the end point.
Avoid playing it safe and start taking calculated risk, be different.
Do not follow blindly, you may be a better leader than the one ahead of you.
Look like a fool when you’re looking for answers you don’t
Opt to work little harder when even working smarter can do.
· Complete the task and reach the end point even when making an excuse is an option.
Read more, look for your own reasons, may be you can draw better conclusions.
Make mistakes, learn from others mistakes but avoid making the same mistake again.
· Try and fail, retry and fail, try again, may be you will succeed eventually.
Run faster, think slower, work harder, stay calmer, and dream bigger.
Look at the weaker to remain complacent, look at the stronger to be feel insecure and achieve more.
· Present the true result and avoid following the facts, may be you will bring about a breakthrough.
· Everyday make someone smile, share a meal and do one kind thing to the needy.
· Keep moving towards even around the turns where more people prefer returning to the pavilion.· Believe in yourself, after all what matters is what you believe in.